Thursday, October 10, 2013

Non fiction journey

Reading non-fiction is rewarding.  You get to know things you may not have known and make sense of other things you've seen in a new way or make new connections in information you have.

Unfortunately, as a reading exercise its a little difficult for me to review because I find non-fiction books difficult to finish.  Unlike fiction, with non-fiction books there is no desperation to know how the story ends, non-fiction writers just don't work cliff-hangers and plots like fiction writers do, it doesn't seem to be a requirement.

I am currently reading 4 non-fiction books, on and off, whenever the fancy hits me. Brandwashed by Martin Lindstrom, Killing Kebble by Mandy Wiener, Do not judge this book by its cover by Gavin Tucker and Decoding Reality by Vlatko Vedral.

To be fair Mandy Wiener's book is gripping in the story sense, it just turned out to be too long and it has too many people's names at some point so I'm stuck with no interest at page 295.  Before page 200 was a thrilling read though.