Saturday, December 7, 2013

SA politics unspun by Stephen Grootes

SA politics unspun by Stephen Grootes is the sort of book I have been hoping to find for a long time; a concise guide to contemporary South African politics.

It is a lovely, easy read. I say easy because it is so well-written, with a light humour and no airs about the subject that I couldn't help but enjoy it. It also helped me make sense of a lot of the seemingly nonsensical reports in the news about all kinds of issues I felt obliged to know about without really understanding how they fit into the bigger scheme of things. 

Grootes explains governing structures, political parties and political controversies and explains them all one by one, leader by leader as well as why they are important. He also has lovely timelines, explanation sidebars, graphs and pictures in the book which I enjoyed.

It really is a lovely book. 

1 comment:

  1. Feeling so bad for only copping this book way after the elections. its so informative though.
